Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography: Blog en-us All images are copyright to Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography (Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:49:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:49:00 GMT Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography: Blog 78 120 Basenji Image What a beautiful dog I recently photographed so smart so I put her into a woodland background and added some rays of light.

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) dog portraiture fine art photography Mon, 01 Jun 2015 23:05:33 GMT
Successful day at Competition  

I had a very good day at the Southern Association of Camera Clubs Print and Projected competition yesterday.
Silver medal and honourable mention for "Buzz Off" and "Breakfast Time" in the Advanced Open Print Competition.
Silver medal and honourable mention in the Advanced Open Projected image category with "The Boat" and "Chase Me"
1st and 2nd place in the Still Life competition with "Bottles" and "the Vase of Flowers".

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:01:14 GMT
Something a Little Different Its always interesting to experiment a little with taking photographs and processing them. I did this one earlier today to make it look more like an impressionist painting than a photograph.

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) autumn colour children children's photography creative photography path trees Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:12:28 GMT
Play Time Everyone can join in a game of soccer its great exercise and lots can be learned about rules and team work. From kids playing in the park, to street leagues, to the professional game watched by millions it is enjoyed by all. Here's a shot of children having a good time in the park.

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) Wed, 05 Nov 2014 19:32:19 GMT
Toy Story Children just love dressing up as their favourite cartoon character or superhero, here's what happens when you put the child and her toys together and the child becomes part of the story. This is a photo of Maeve dressed as Woodie with her toys Bullseye, Jessie and Buzz Lightyear, fortunately I had a photo of a Utah landscape taken last year to pop them into to make it all the more fun.

Please visit my website and sign the guestbook. Please take a few minutes look through my galleries of photographs and enjoy.


(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) Fun photography children's photography children's portrait creative photography Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:57:58 GMT
"Waiting" Great news this week when my photograph "Waiting" was awarded  silver FIAP medal at an international photographic salon in USA. I am working towards my AFIAP distinction which requires so many acceptances in International photographic salons in different countries. Hopefully I will have reached the targets set by Christmas and be able to apply for the distinction yearly next year. Fingers cross!!

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) children's photography Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:01:30 GMT
Waterfalls There is something very peaceful about sitting by a waterfall watching the ripples it creates, here's a shot from today from Glengarriffe Nature reserve a lovely autumn scene.

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) Autumn children's photography leaves long exposure trees waterfall Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:40:00 GMT
Autumn Leaves What a great weekend of autumn weather to get out in the woods and have fun. Children really enjoy tossing leaves in the air, collecting nuts and conkers and looking for mushrooms and toadstools on the forest floor. There is so much learning to be had from nature at this time of year.


(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) autumn children's portrait leaves Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:19:31 GMT
A Beautiful Autumn Day What a great day today for a walk in the woods with the grandchildren, the weather was perfect, the colours of the trees and the leaves was spectacular. It makes you feel good to be alive. 

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) autumn colour children children's photography path trees Sat, 11 Oct 2014 20:23:50 GMT
Sunset What an amazing time of the day is sunset, it is different every day, different cloud formations different colours in the sky you never know what you are going to get unless you are prepared to sit and wait and watch.

Here is one I took when on holiday on the Isle of Skye recently enjoy! take a look at my land and sea gallery to see more.

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) long exposure mountains rocks sea sunset Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:38:43 GMT
The Motor Cycle Scramble! Last weekend I was out taking photographs for a child's third birthday. The little lady loves riding around very fast on her balance bike so I took a number of photos of her cycling along the paths of a local park. 

I remembered that I had taken photos of a motor cycle race during the summer and thought it would be fun to incorporate the child on the bike in one of the shots, so here is the completed assignment.

Children love these fun shots of themselves included in other photos or part of their favourite toys check out some of my other fun photos in my fun photo gallery. If you would like a photo like this for your child to treasure then please get in touch through the contact page.

(Viv Buckley Fine Art Photography) Fun Photographs children's photography photographs to treasure Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:39:08 GMT